Monster High is an American fashion doll franchise created by Mattel and launched in July 2010. The characters are inspired by monster movies, sci-fi horror, thriller fiction, and various other creatures. Monster High was created by Garrett Sander, with illustrations by Kellee Riley and illustrator Glen Hanson.
The franchise includes many consumer products such as stationery, bags, key chains, various toys, play sets, video games, TV specials, a web series, and direct-to-DVD movies. Lisi Harrison is the author of the Monster High books. The characters are related to, or the offspring of, famous monsters such as Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, the Mummy,Medusa, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, the Phantom of the Opera, zombies and more.
The franchise received a reboot and origin story called Welcome to Monster High, using new face molds, movie animation, a slogan ("How Do You Boo?"), and the song "This Is How We Boo", performed by Jordin Sparks.
Frankie Stein (voiced by Kate Higgins speaking, and voiced by Allison Iraheta in "New Ghoul @ School" singing) is the daughter of Frankenstein's monster and his bride. She has white hair with black streaks, even though her mother has black hair with white streaks, and light, mint-green skin, the color of mint-chip ice cream. Frankie is asimulacrum, meaning her body is made of many different parts, similar to a hybrid, but she is more than two monsters and more than three or four. Also, she is clumsy, sweet, and always kind to others. She has a new crush on Neighthan Rot, even though she used to date Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde (not in the diaries, Draculaura was dating Jackson and Holt in the diaries).
Clawdeen Wolf (voiced by Salli Saffioti) is the daughter of the Werewolf. She is described as furry, outgoing, and sweet. Clawdeen is a bit, or more than a bit, of a fashionista, as she loves fashion with clothes and clothing design. She has a bit of a temper at times when messed with, but can easily control it when coaxed properly. Clawdeen'sBasic doll outfit includes of a purple, fur-trimmed, waist-length jacket, a peach tank top with leopard or cheetah print black stripes, fishnet stockings and purple, golden-buckled, wedged, open-toed boots for shoes with openings in the back.
Cleo De Nıle (voiced by Salli Saffioti) is the daughter of the Mummy Ramses de Nile and is 5842 years old at the start of the series. She is the captain of the fearleading squad. Cleo prefers to accessorize with light-gold bandages or mummy wrappings. She is, or is based on Cleopatra. She is also the queen of the social scene and has a boyfriend named Deuce Gorgon.
Draculaura (voiced by Debi Derryberry) is a vampire who is the daughter of Count Dracula. She is in a relationship with Clawdeen's older brother Clawd Wolf. She is a vegan who faints at the sight of blood.
Ghoulıa Yelps (vocal effects provided by Audu Paden) is the daughter of the zombies who is Cleo de Nile's personal assistant. She is very smart, but can only speak a zombie language which consists of moans and groans. Ghoulia is absent from the 2016 reboot.
Lagoona Blue (voiced by Laura Bailey, voiced by Larissa Gallager in Great Scarrier Reef) is the daughter of the Gill-man (Creature from the Black Lagoon)and a sea nymph. Lagoona is from "Down Under" and speaks with an Australian accent. She can talk with water animals. She is in a relationship will Gillington "Gil" Webber.